Queens, queens, and more queens! L to R: Aleigh Beahm, Rachel Burton, me, Suzette Walker, Suzi Fife, Holly Soucie
Thank you to everyone who attended my fashion show send-off and donated to my travel fund. It was wonderful to see so many friends, family, and supporters--I am truly blessed with wonderful people in my life. I was in the presence of beauty on Sunday because Aleigh Beahm (Miss Rodeo Iowa 2008), Rachel Burton (Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2008), Holly Soucie (Miss Sidney Rodeo 2007), Suzi Fife (Miss Teen Rodeo Lenox 2007), and Suzette Walker (Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2007) were kind enough to add the "glitz and glam" to my fashion show!
I would like to thank Ashley Kelber of Outlaws and Ladies (Rhodes, Iowa) for making all of my beautiful leather outfits. I am very proud to be one of her "walking models" this year because Ashley's creativity and ability is like no other. I LOVE my "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" vest and am very sad I will only get to wear it once in Las Vegas. My fashion show dress is so fun to wear because it has somewhat of a train and makes me feel as if I float across the ground!
I really appreciate the friendship I have acquired throughout the year with the Kelber family. They are a wonderful group of people who have welcomed Dixie and me into their family, and have even offered to dogsit while I go to Las Vegas! (Dixie loves staying at the Kelber's house because they spoil her rotten!) I feel very lucky to only live 30 miles from the most talented leather seamstress in the world. If you need leather garmets, do not hesitate to contact Ashey at 641-482-3510.
Paula Jameson of Reining Rhinestones (Bridgewater) did not disappoint anyone with my "beautifully 'bling'ed" horsemanship shirt! I am very excited to wear it because the judges won't be able to see my make any errors in my patterns because they will be mesmerized by all of the glittering coming from the arena. (Good plan, Paula!) Paula has also dyed my pants for the competition and painted the boots I will be wearing so I owe it to her that I will be matched and stately in the city of lights. Paula has been such a wonderful help this year and has become such a great friend. I hope she still chooses to associate with me after I am a "has been" in about a month! ;) If you need any arena clothes, boots painted, or pants dyed, be sure to give Paula a call because if there ever has been a color created, Paula can match it! 641-369-4131
I would like to thank the Shenandoah Middle School for allowing me to have the sendoff in the commons. It worked out great to change behind the "stage" in the music room and we had ample space for people to sit, and even had enough room for a large "runway" for everyone to model. Mom did a great job with the music by playing fun songs to model to (I hope they do the same out in Vegas), and helped me get food and other things planned for the event. Thank you, Mom, for all of your help!
I had such a wonderful time that it flew by too quickly, but not before I spotted Wayne Woolridge in the crowd! Wayne, of Cherokee, Iowa, has been a wonderful supporter of the Miss Rodeo Iowa Program for years. I really appreciate all Wayne has done to help me get through the year; he has been so kind to me and I cannot thank him enough. Wayne has also offered to drive my clothes to Las Vegas so I don't have to worry about paying over-weight charges on the airline and getting my bags lost. It has been people like Wayne that have made my year unforgettable because of the never-ending kindness, friendship, support, and smiles he has given me throughout the year. Thank you, Wayne, for reminding me why I am so fortunate to be an Iowan!
Thank you, to everyone, for all of your support and friendship throughout the year. YOU have made this experience one of the most positive and unforgettable times in my life, and for this I am thankful. Since the veterinary curriculum has been taxing on my Miss Rodeo America studying and preparation, I do not feel as if I have put the time into getting ready for this national competition as a normal contestant should. However, because of the many wonderful individuals that have touched my life and influenced my way of thinking, I feel prepared to handle anything that is thrown my way. I will do my best to make Iowa proud, but no matter how the results turn out, I feel blessed knowing that I have already been rewarded with the most precious and priceless gift one could be given: the confidence, trust, and love of the wonderful people of Iowa. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and will be sure to recap the extraordinary time I will have in the Miss Rodeo America Pageant! Viva Las Vegas, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for a scholarship so your vet bills can be cheaper!